Programmer, Full-Stack Software and Web Developer.

I build and code beautifully functioning sites, and I love what I do.

Hi, I'm Dilanga Algama. Nice to meet you.

I'm a Computer Science Graduation from the University of Ottawa and a passionate self-taught Full-Stack Software/Web Developer and game implementer from Canada based in Ottawa. My passion for Software and Web development lies in finding new ideas and finding ways to accomplish them. I find it interesting to implement website services that I find innovative and learn what steps are required to reach the end product. I put a lot of effort into the experience and code quality of my work making my code easy to understand for other developers. My most recent projects are in ChatGPT, finding advancing ways to create revolutionary services that regualr people might find convenient.


University of Ottawa

BSc. Specialization in Computer Science and Business Management.

I have attended courses in Data Structure and Algorithm, Data Science, Information Retrieval, Digital Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Software Engineering. In addition, I have taken courses in Business such as Marketing, Financial Accounting, Cross-Cultural Management and International Business. Graduated in June 2021.

Work Experience

2021 - Present

Software Developer (University of Ottawa)

Contributing new features and fixing bugs on a North America wide website called Elentra used throughout all universities that involves studies in the Medicine field. Furthermore, rebuilding websites used for Faculty of Medicine Admissions to discontinue the use of subscription based external service websites.

2021 - Present

Web Developer (Euroshine Inc)

Website servicing, SEO optimisation, and content administration. Handling partnerships with services that are interested in partnering with the company's website for online advertising. Using Hotjar services to make it easier for visitors to get the information they want, analyse website traffic and find out what kind of content potential customers are looking for before adding new content.

2019 - 2021

Junior Web Developer (University of Ottawa)

Monitoring module functionality, fixing bugs and making corrections where the modules are lacking in functionality and adding new figures based on the clients requests. I also worked on front-end creation with custom styling for different sub-domains. Worked on the creation of migration scripts to transition a site from one CMS to another.

2014 - 2016

Arcade Programmer (Midway Fun Park)

I recreated the company site completely on a new CMS with all the necessary plugin on the Wordpress CMS. Furthermore, I programmed the arcade machine computers based on the company requests, fixed broken machines and operated the monthly maintainance on the machines.

2013 - 2014

Arcade Attendant (Midway Fun Park)

I was part of a team operating the arcade attractions and attending to any injures in the premises. During the summer I was a part of the Midway Fun Park Summer campus team in addition to outdoor festivals the company participated in.




Neural IR System (Twitter)


The objective of the system is to calculate a similarity score (multiple approaches) between a crawl of Tweets (Twitter) with a given set of queries. This system is useful to find tweets related to a set of queries you have in hand, where you would like more information about or related tweets.

Online chat platform (WebChat)


Developed a Dynamic Website where users can chat with other anonymous users based on common interests. Server-side was running on a AWS server with Amazon DynamoDB database. Designed the front-end using HTML.

A.I Poker Game


Created an A.I. Poker game where the A.I. Classifier algorithm learns to play the game off a data set of content. When the code is run the A.I. alogrithim runs the classifier on the test and training set and plays the game based on what it learned from the data set. Currently the classifier is 98.8% accurate.

Bonanza Card Game


Coded and recreated a online version of the Bonanaza Card game using C++. This implementation deals with all possibilies in the game and handles all exceptions.

Restaurant rating website (Resto Presto)


Developed a Dynamic Web APP on Java EE Platform, where users can rate website restaurants they have visited. Server-side was running on Apache Tomcat server with PostgreSQL database. Designed the front end using HTML.

Paris Subway Navigator


The system was created for the Paris subway system. The system finds the most efficient and time saving route to take from the starting to ending location. The design provides the distance from each station that needs to be visited and the names of the stations.

Volunteer Extra Curricular Activities


uOttaHack Mentor - Hackathon

Helping students on any question about the competition and connecting students with sponsors.


uOttaHack Mentor - Hackathon

Supervising students and helping the competitors submit their projects before the last call. Notifiying students of seminars.


uOttaHack Participant - Hackathon

Participated in the compitition. My project was building an anonymous chatting website (Webchat) where the clients would be matched based on thier common interested topics.


Special event (101 Week) volunteer - (SFUO)

Helped students find the location of their classes on the first week of university for new students. Participated in the events organized for the students who signed up for the 101 Week events created for the first year students.



Grade 12 honours student

Listed on the principles honours list plaque of students during my 12th grade of High school.


Grade 11 honours student

Listed on the principles honours list plaque of students during my 11th grade of High school.


Grade 10 honours student

Listed on the principles honours list plaque of students during my 10th grade of High school.